copyright (c) 2000 pagea company. |
the page source for the wap pages is appended below. the php-specific code has been removed, to make it a little clearer. php is only used to set content type. otherwise, these pages are static. to compare, point your wap browser/emulator at waplet.sourceforge.net/wapindex.php3 (the first page), and waplet.sourceforge.net/page2.php3 (the second page). the emulator is written in java 1.1, which should be compatible with most current browsers. applet security prevents the applet from loading pages from different hosts when using a browser, although there are ways to get around this (this would involve setting up a web proxy on the host). when running on a local machine, for example through an appletviewer, it should be able to access any resource.
the source is being released under the GPL and I encourage anyone who wants
to to look at the source (and clean it up). go to sourceforge.net, or download
as a .tgz or
.zip file.
if you're interested, please drop me an email at duncan@pagea.com. thanks.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml"> <wml> <card id="init" newcontext="true"> <p align="center"> this is a demonstration of the wap emulator.<br/> it can handle <i>most</i> common text formatting tags, including <b>bold</b> and <u>underline</u>. it can handle<br/> <b>two</b> <i>formats</i> on the same line, presuming there's enough space. the short form <a> link is supported, for both <a href="http://waplet.sourceforge.net/page2.php3">absolute</a> and <a href="#second">deck-relative</a> links.<br/> - o -<br/> </p> </card> <card id="second"> <do type="prev" label="back"> <go href="#init"/> </do> <p align="center"> (card 2) <br/> explicit back behavior is supported, using the "prev" event type. no input types are currently supported. images are not supported. </p> <p align="left"> paragraph justification is supported. (this part should be left-justified.) </p> </card> </wml>second page: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml"> <wml> <card id="init"> <do type="prev" label="back"> <go href="http://waplet.sourceforge.net/wapindex.php3"/> </do> <p align="center"> variable substitutions are not supported. (input elements aren't yet supported, so there's no need for variables). this emulator is based on a very simple parser class. if it were extended to use a more robust parser, adding support for those features would be simpler, although the total size would probably be too large for a web-based applet. </p> </card> </wml> |